workshops & retreats
Fridays 1x a month 18:00 - 19:30
24.01. Yoga Nidra & Sound
07.02. The Sacred Cave of the Heart
14.03. Still Breath
On Friday evenings once a month, we have our beloved guided guided meditation circle - a moment to connect to ourselves and to this beautiful community that keeps growing. Click on each individual date above to sign up.
1. intro 18:00 - 18:15
2. guided meditation practice 18:15 - 19:15
3. sharing circle 19:15 - 19:30
Thursdays 1x a month 18:00 - 19:00
30.01. 20.02. 20.03. 10.04.
Click on each individual date above to sign up.
There is no denying the power of sound and music in our lives - after all, vibration is the root of all existence in this Universe.
With the right intention, sound is able to hold space in a way words cannot, and it can support deeply meditative, relaxing and potentially healing experiences.
Sound has the ability to connect you to your inner landscapes, your fields of imagination and waters of intuition. A much needed break from the usual habits and patterns of the mind, and a dive into deeper layers of awareness.
In each sound bath, I will be using different sound healing instruments and dreamy soundscapes to facilitate a deeply relaxing state, a musical and meditative journey. A moment to relax and to receive the medicine of sound, nurturing your body, mind and soul.
with Maria & Sandra
weekends once a month 09.02. 06.04. 18.05.
next one Sunday February 9th 9:30 - 12
75€ per session
Click on each individual date above to sign up.
The event is (mostly) in German. Given the powerful nature of breathwork, this event is more intimate/small scale with very limited spots (6 in total). This allows the facilitators to dedicate all their atention and skill to everyone present.
Dafür wird dich Sandra Ludwig eine bewegende und transformative Atemreise in einer kleinen Gruppe führen. Die Atemtechnik, die dabei angewendet wird ist das ‚Verbundene Atmen‘ (Engl.:‚Conscious Connected Breathing‘)*, welche folgende gesundheitsstärkende Effekte auf dich hat:
- physisch: verbesserte Schlafqualität, Entspannung der Muskeln, Stärkung des Immunsystems
- mental: klarer Verstand, geschärfter Fokus, bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit
- emotional: steigende Resilienzfähigkeit, erhöhtes Wohlbefinden, inneres Gleichgewicht
- energetisch: tieferes Vertrauen in das Leben
Nach der Atemreise wirst du von Maria Branco durch ein Sound Bath // Klangbad dabei begleitet mit wohltuenden und harmonischen Tönen sanft zurück in deine Körpermitte zu kommen. Dafür nutze ich verschiedene Klangheilinstrumente, die es dir erlauben in einen tief erholsamen und meditativen Zustand zu gelangen.
Am Ende wird es einen optionalen Sharing Circle geben.
& Sound journey
reclaiming ancestral european wisdom
with Maria & Franziska
Friday November 29th 18:00 - 21:00
You are invited to join us on a friday evening for a dream like journey with the magic of Mugwort//Beifuß & Sound - with the support of Maria & Franziska. Click here for more infos & to sign up.
Starting with an introduction to the ancestral European medicine of Artemisia Vulgaris* (Mugwort), proceeding to our intentional tea ceremony, and pouring into a 90 min live sound journey. Optional sharing circle at the end.
History, Mysticism & Magic
Mugwort Ceremony
Sound Journey & Integration
This event is for you if:
you want to release tension and stress from your body & mind;
you want to dive deeper into a different pathway of meditation;
you want to explore the unconscious, connect to your intuition, creativity & dreams;
you want to find a support for insomnia, brain fog, anxiety and chronic pain;
you long to reconnect with local indigenous European plants and medicines;
or if you are simply curious!
*Mugwort is not a psychedelic or psychoactive substance. It is not recommend during pregnancy, as it can induce premature labour. Please let us know if you are pregnant and thinking about joining this special event - so we can inform you with the best alternative.
yin & Sound
sacred rest & embodiment
Sunday November 24th 16:00 - 18:00
Due to popular demand, our next seasonal YIN & SOUND event is happening for the 2nd time during autumn. Happening right at the final stages of autumn. This special Yin Yoga class + Sound Bath will be focused on tapping into the natural descent that this season invites - a descent into a slower rhythm, into the womb like dark wisdom of the earth. A gentle, 75 min Myofascial Yin Yoga practice ending with a 45 min sound bath (2 hours total).
Welcome this beautiful & magical season with presence and by finding deep spaciousness within. Diving into our felt sense and our inner sanctuary of rest, enveloped by the medicine of sound.
A collective cocoon of gentle movement, myofascial//Faszien release, breath and sound healing.
Sign up here.