“Smile, Breathe and go slowly.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh


How would it be if, for a moment, we allowed ourselves to feel exactly what we feel without judging? If we could welcome what is happening within us, no matter if pleasant or unpleasant? To gently quiet down that inner, all too familiar, critical voice.

For only just a moment… if we could let go of expectations and ideas of who we’d like to become and embraced the being we actually are…
The miracle that we already are.

This is my invitation. To demystify meditation and to cultivate awareness of the present moment in our lives - the only thing we truly have.

Mindfulness is at the heart of my meditation practice. My intention is to kindly guide you deeper into yourself: into acceptance, compassion, gratitude and openness towards what is. Welcoming and embracing sensations, emotions and thoughts - no matter their nature. Gently letting go of judgement and of the illusion of control so that the beauty of the present moment may blossom fully. So that you may tap into your inner guidance and trust in your own unique, unfolding experience of life.

My experience

I have been gifted the opportunity to hold space for many into a compassionate, meditative space. Since 2017, I have contributed with mindful guided meditations in many events - from festivals, to retreats and workshops, online meditation circles, nature therapy experiences, and even before concerts/parties.

I am happy to collaborate with my work and to hold space in any projects and events that resonate with my values. I also offer online guided meditations, which you can check on my online offerings.

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke