Sound Healing


“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.”

— Plato

Sound and music speak so deeply to me - and to many of us. Ever since a child, I’d close my eyes and let myself be fully enveloped by nature’s ceaseless song: the wind whispering to the leaves of trees, the ocean’s hum, thunder’s roar and the gentle song of bird and bee. There are no words that can describe the yearned for arrival I sensed when I started discovering music and playing the piano as a child - my first and dearest instrument.

I felt something stir deep within me... a longing... a relief... As though my soul had been waiting for that moment for so long, to be able to pour itself and dissolve into sound, to unfold freely and fulfill its purpose with every key I pressed. Again and again... Later, with every string I struck, every note I sang or breath I took.

Still today... it never ceases to amaze me. How far music and sound take me, yet how close, intimately deep within myself they bring me too. Where do sound and music take you? If you close your eyes... and listen... in presence. Where do you arrive?

the magic of sound

Sound and Music are incredibly powerful tools that invite us to return to the present moment, softening our nervous system response and allowing us to dive into the realm of relaxation, feeling, intuition and imagination.

According to ancient cultures, worldwide mystics and modern physics, everything in this life and universe is essentially vibration - including ourselves. Therefore, sound can have a profound impact in us, both physically, psychologically and spiritually. For example, the vibration of appropriate and intentional sound can recalibrate the vibration of our bodies, and the instrumental frequencies can change our own brainwave frequencies, into brainwaves that reflect deeper meditative states.

With the proper use of voice, nature’s song and different instruments, one is able to connect to their expanded awareness of the present moment and felt sense, tapping into emotions, sensations, memories and images in a way that may facilitate emotional release, healing and harmonising of our being as a whole.

my experience

I have been exploring sound and music since the young age of 5. Since 2020, I have used this powerful tool in my work and practice, from guided meditations and yoga classes, to sound journeys that take you beyond the realm of the analytic mind.

My whole existence, I have been perpetually in love with mindful sound and music and their intimate embrace. Creativity through this medium instills me with such joy and I am always open and happy to discover new instruments and to deepen the connection with the ones I already know.

I invite you to listen to some of my recorded guided meditations and sound journeys on my Spotify, as well as take part in my live guided sound meditations on Insight Timer - Coming soon.

If you resonate with my work with sound, feel free to reach out for any inquiries or collaborations. I look forward to crossing paths with you!

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances. ”

— Maya Angelou