Nature therapy


"And into the forest I go,
to lose my mind and find my soul" 

— John Muir

Nature has always been a safe haven for me. Something inexplicably magical happens every time I step into a forest. I am perpetually in love with the breathing, buoyant life that unfolds in the calm and quiet of woodlands.. .Every detail allows me to feel so safe, connected and grounded. Rooted in my own, primal core. My inner child jumps forth and wants to explore, smell, taste and feel the surrounding magic. Walking barefoot over fallen leaves. The wise and ever watchful presence of trees. The musky scent of moss, cedar and pine. Sacred oak groves. Dew drops. Birdsong. The distant melody of water and stream.

I breathe it all in... And for a moment, I allow myself to forget about any ideas of “me” or “other”, good or bad, wrongdoing or righteousness. For a moment, all is well. Distance is gone. Emptiness becomes abundance. Blissful peace instills. A distant remembering, a recollection of what home once was, unfurls within me. And for I moment, I belong again.

What is Nature therapy?

Nature therapy, also known as eco-therapy, forest bathing, Shinrin-Yoku or earthing, refers to the the practice of spending time outdoors in Nature in order to experience its diverse physical and mental health benefits, in particular the latter.

Humans are of this Earth, and as such, we are wired to feel better and at higher levels of wellbeing when closer to natural resources. From mindfully experiencing a forest, walking barefoot on the earthy ground, breathing in the surrounding scents of trees and plants, to being able to rest our gaze upon natural landscapes, or to listen to nature’s soothing song, all of these activate our parasympathetic nervous system: our relaxation response that allows us to rest, digest and heal. Experiencing time in Nature decreases anxiety, depressive mood, ruminative thinking, enhances cognition and strengthens the immune system in the body, allowing us to better fight off disease.

In a fast paced world and society where we become more alienated from the natural world by the day, it is increasingly important to reclaim time outdoors and our sense of belonging in this abundant, fertile and beautiful Earth.

MY Experience

I have had the blessing to work directly with an Eco-therapy (Nature therapy) project, Breathe Portugal, between 2017-2020. From yoga, to guided meditations, mindfulness, sound journeys and group connecting activities immersed at the wild heart of nature - this was how I started my journey as a space holder.

Learning how to work with the elements and make the most out of the nourishing qualities of nature, in such a way as to inspire humans to establish a personal and meaningful relationship to the Earth and to themselves, has been a passion of mine for many years.

Nature is our existential home and the biggest teacher there is - one can learn lifelong lessons by simply observing the natural patterns and cycles of the living world around us. And by experiencing the manifold landscapes around us with our senses engaged and hearts open. Whenever possible, I love including either these live experiences in my workshops/retreats or references to Nature in guided meditations, sound work or yoga, as a powerful resource we can always go back to.

I feel devoted to hold space in Nature and to inspire such meaningful and soul nurturing experiences that shift us from ego-ism and loneliness, back into eco-ism and community.

Disconnect to Connect

Whether for an event, a festival or a retreat, feel free to contact me if you’d like to collaborate with mindful and meaningful experiences in the heart of nature. I look forward to connecting with you!

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” 

— Rachel Carson